PIZ Differenzdruckmessumformer als Zweileitersystem ist österreichweit bei der Firma Industrie Automation Graz, IAG, erhältlich.

PU/PI - Differential pressure transducer for standard applications

Product Description

Differential pressure transmitter available in a range ofprecision classes for measurement of positive or

negative differential pressures

Special Features

  • High level of accuracy

Technical Specification





Measurement ranges
50 / 100 / 250 / 500 Pa
1 / 2.5 / 5 / 10 / 20 / 50 / 100 kPa
(others available on request)

Margin of error
± 0.2 % of max. value, only for measurement ranges ≥ 250 Pa or
± 0.5 % of max. value (min. 0.3 Pa) or
± 1 % of max. value

PU: 0 .. 10 V (RL ≥ 2 k Ω)
PI: 0/4 .. 20 mA (RL ≤ 500 Ω)

Supply voltage
24 VDC, +20 % / -15 %
24 VAC, +6 % / -15 %
115 VAC, +6 % / -15 %
230 VAC, +6 % / -15 %

Display (optional)
3 1/2 digit
4 1/2 digit









