DustTrak DRX Aerosol Monitor 8533
DustTrak® Aerosol Monitor Environmental Enclosure Model 8535
DustTrak II Aerosolmonitor 8530EP
DUSTTrak® II Aerosol Monitor 8532
DustTrak DRX Aerosol Monitor 8533EP
DUSTTrak® DRX Aerosol Monitor 8534
EMA200 - Portable, digital pressure gauge with min./max. value memory
EMA84 Portable digital pressure gauge
Environmental DustTrak Aerosol Monitor
FMS 5.0 Software
Duct CO2 Transmitter GMD110
GMP250- Series Carbon Dioxide Probe for %-Level or ppm-Level Measurements
GMW90 Series Carbon Dioxide, Temperature, and Humidity Transmitters
GMW95 Carbon Dioxide, Temperature and Humidity Transmitter
HMDW110 Series Humidity and Temperature Transmitters
INTERCAP Humidity and Temperature Transmitter Series HMDW80
HMK15 Humidity Calibrator
HUMICAP Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP113
INTERCAP Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP60
HMS80 Series Humidity and Temperature Transmitters for Outdoor Measurements in Building Automation Applications
HMW92/93 Humidity and Temperature Transmitters for demanding HVAC applications
Humidity and Temperature Transmitters HMD60 ±1.5%RH transmitters for demanding HVAC, with a certificate
Humidity and Temperature Transmitters HMT120/130 ±1.5%RH transmitters with exchangeable probes for cleanrooms and light industrial applications
HM40 Hand-Held Humidity and Temperature Meter for Quick Inspections and Spot-Checking
IAQ CALC Indoor Air Quality Meters 7515
IAQ CALC Indoor Air Quality Meters 7525
Indigo200 Series Transmitters for Vaisala smart probes for Vaisala's Smart Humidity, Temperature, Dew Point, Moisture in Oil, CO2 and H2O2 Probes
KAL100 - Pressure calibration device with integrated pressure generation
KAL 84 - Portable pressure calibration device