Vaisala OPC UA Server
P29 - Safe measurement of differential pressure of natural gas
PIZ Differential Pressure Transducer as a two-wire system
PortaCount Respirator Fit Tester 8030/8038
Next Generation PortaCount Respirator Fit Tester 8040-8048
PresSura® Hospital Room Pressure Products
Accessories for temperature data loggers
Compact differential pressure transmitter for basic applications
PS27 - Basic sensor for standard applications
PU/PI - Differential pressure transducer for standard applications
PUC44 - Multi-channel process display with touch screen
Remote Display Panel RDP100
VaiNet Wireless Humidity and Temperature Data Logger RFL100
SUREFLOW® Room Pressure Control
Wide-Range Temperature Probe
Air Velocity Transducers Model 8455
Air Velocity Transducer 8465 Series
VaiNet wireless CO2 data logger RFL100 for incubator monitoring
VELOCICALC® Thermal Anemometers 9535, 9535-A, 9545 und 9545-A
VELOCICALC® Rotating Vane Anemometer 5725
VELOCICALC® Air Velocity Meter 9515
VELOCICALC PRO Multi-Function Ventilation Meter
ViewLinc Monitoring, Alarming and Reporting Software
Integration of viewLinc with existing systems
vLog Software for validation/mapping of GxP environments
Vortex flow monitor Eggs DELTA II for liquids and gases
WBU base station for Produal Proxima® MESH wireless network
WTR-AK-CO2-RH for measuring indoor temperature, humidity and CO₂ level