Dew point and Temperature probe DMP7 for remote installations in tight spaces
DMT132 Dewpoint Transmitter for Refrigerant Dryers
Dew point probe DMP6 for in-line measurement in very high temperature applications <350 °C
Dew Point Transmitter DMT152 for Dew point measurement in very dry environments
Dew Point Transmitters DMT345 and DMT346 for high temperature applications
dEX Logger Software
Handheld probe for dew point and temperature
DT80 - Intelligent Multipurpose Data Logging
DT80G - Data Logging for geotechnical applications
DT82E - Datalogger for environment (low power consumtion)
DT82I - Datalogger for industrial recording
DT85 - Intelligent Data Logger with In-built Web Server
DT85G - Intelligent Geotechnical Data Logger
DT90L compact Data logger
DT90N compact Data logger
Ultrasonic flow measurement ExactSonic P for test bench applications
Flow Measurement with EX Delta II Series
PD Flowmeter Ultra Oval Typ S
Flowmeter for small Flow Measurements
PD Flowmeter for Oil and Water
Portable temperature calibrator - Fluid 100
Portable liquid temperature calibrator - Fluid 200
GMP231 CARBOCAP Carbon Dioxide Probe for CO2 Incubators
GMP250- Series Carbon Dioxide Probe for %-Level or ppm-Level Measurements
Portable carbon dioxide probe with pump sampling
Handheld flowtherm Ex - in combination with flow sensors FA, VA, TA, Pt100 and others for applications in hazardous areas
Handheld flowtherm NT.2 - in combination with flow sensors FA, VA, TA, Pt100 and others
HMDW110 Series Humidity and Temperature Transmitters
HMK15 Humidity Calibrator
HMM100 Humidity Module for Environmental Chambers